We are highly experienced in providing safe and effective Botox treatment for excessive sweating and hyperhidrosis.
Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can start around puberty and in many cases tends to ease in adulthood. However, for some people. Hyperhidrosis can continue or even worsen as time goes on.
Traditional remedies such as prescribed anti-perspirants can irritate the skin, making it red and sore. At Rosie Cooper Aesthetics in Leamington Spa and Oxford, we offer Botox® injections for hyperhidrosis; a safe, quick and effective treatment with results that can last up to 6 months at a time, without the need for chemical roll-ons.
Botox® (Botulinum Toxin Type A) is a medically-prescribed neurotoxin, which has been used for many years to treat a myriad of medical concerns. When we inject Botox® into areas such as the armpits, hands, feet, underneath the breasts, the face and anywhere where there is excessive sweating it blocks the nerve receptors, responsible for sweat gland production. This reduces excessive perspiration, without damaging the skin or surrounding tissues. A Botox® treatment for hyperhidrosis can reduce sweating by as much as 90 percent.
After completing some standard consent forms, we will ask you to relax on one of our treatment couches. Your practitioner will clean the area/s to be treated and then apply a special dye, which will show where the injections will be best placed, for optimum results. Then, small amounts of Botox® will be placed in to the skin, using a very fine needle. In some cases, where the treatment areas are very sensitive, a topical or injectable anaesthetic can be used.
Botox® is a prescribed drug and therefore, before any treatment can be administered using this substance, we ask that you attend a no obligation consultation with one of our medical practitioners, so that they can discuss your concerns, examine the area/s to be treated as well as check your medical history, to ensure there are no contraindications, which may mean that this treatment is not suitable for you as an individual. It might be that you are pregnant or breast feeding. Once you have had your child and stopped breast feeding, you will most-likely be able to have a Botox® treatment, once your medical practitioner has assessed you once more.
Botox® is administered using very fine needles, so is far more comfortable as a procedure than some other injectables. However, some areas which are treated for hyperhidrosis can be more sensitive than others. If you are particularly sensitive however, we may be able to offer you a topical or injectable anaesthetic.
Most patients start to notice that their excessive sweating eases after 2 to 3 weeks of having the treatment.
Many of our clients can enjoy the results from a Botox® treatment for hyperhidrosis for up to 6 months at a time. This makes the treatment extremely convenient for those who live busy lives, as they only need to return to the clinic for this treatment, twice a year.